January "quickfix" patch released

Really quick bugfix release. Thanks to Dr-Fre for the bug reports! Here's a short changelog for build 22.01_03:

Bug fixes

  • Added colliders to cactus plants in the desert biome, no longer can you run through them.
  • Enemies are now removed from the minimap when they die.
  • Quest state no longer lost if you die mid-quest.
  • Fixed issue where NPCs stopped head tracking if the player dies.
  • Treasure is thrown further on death, to prevent the corpse from picking it up!
  • Fixed missing swimming sounds.

New features / enhancements

  • Added a loading screen between scenes.
  • Added underwater camera effects.
  • Refreshed the logo.
  • Re-adjusted the UI layout to scale vertically rather than horizontally, based on a 1920 x 1080 resolution.
  • Tidied up the High Score panel layout.

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Success. I got the quest from Rexxar !
Fail. I walked around the desert so long I got a negative score for the map when I finally gave up the quest and finished the level.
I can't tell if I missed a clue or that part is not done yet.

BTW. Last night I noticed the way you have rigged the trees. Well done you.
Most indie games use trees that animate by swaying the whole thing which looks like there is a ghostly storm you can't hear.
Even in old Unreal 1 engine mapping I always used a fixed trunk and separate canopy. This also allows for more variety with less assets.

For further optimising it is possible to have distant objects be 2D sprites (a trick used in The Long Drive), then swap to the 3D asset when close enough.

Unless the dead animals will be used for food later, I suggest they also be removed from the mini-map when they die, or maybe change the colour.

AI balance needs tweaking. I watched the deer killing the bears in the winter map and so paid more attention.
The herbivores and small carnivores need to be more timid and move away from threats. It does not take too long before the landscape is covered in corpses.
They are just as likely to run into a new danger as away from one, so the landscape would become a bit more dynamic.

A chatroom would be useful for development and feedback. Do you plan on having a discord or something ?

Great feedback again, thank you! The remains of Rexxar's family can be found by a rock on route to the treasure. It's guarded by a Gobbler. It's quite hard to see, and I'm toying with the idea of adding quest locations to the minimap.

I thought I'd implemented removal of all living creatures from the minimap on death. I'll check that, may have done it on the Enemy class instead of the inherited one. Corpses are left intentionally, actually tagged as food, and I'm fine tuning a "needs" system for creatures and animals, including hunger and thirst. Good call on AI balance and behaviour - the stag AI is a bit over powered! The Timid Animal class is meant to be a bit more cautious, but needs tweaking, as I would like them to actively run at the first sight of trouble. 

I'm currently focusing on UI for the next release, to flesh out a Quest Journal and Inventory system. Proving way harder than I'd anticipated, and more so as I'm not artistically inclined!

I must admit, trees and grass are handled by an asset called Gaia Pro 2021. It's amazing. I think most trees, rocks, etc have 3 LOD levels, and I think adding "billboards" as you describe is quite straight forward. I'm looking at having a parallel project targeting mobile devices / switch, with low poly assets, where fine tuning performance will be even more important. 

I'd definitely set up a Discord - I think that's a great idea. I'm struggling to get interest on itch.io, though, really low number of views and downloads. I fear a Discord would be a very lonely place at present! Will look into it though, even if it means you and I can chat a bit easier! I'm really grateful for your help and feedback. In fact I've already added you in the "Special Thanks" section of the new credits scrolled in my current dev build. Hope that's okay! 

First Feb release coming in a couple of weeks, if I can get the UI sorted. Your feedback is spurring me on! 

Hi again! I've taken your advice and set up a Discord server. It would be an honour to invite you to be the first member: https://discord.gg/KQpKJJjH